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18-Master Ma Mingxue
18-Master Ma Mingxue

2018-nankai university postgraduate

2014-2018 nankai university undergraduate

The research direction

1. Mingxue Ma, Yao Ni, Zirong Chi, Wanqing Meng, Haiyang Yu, Jiangdong Gong, Huanhuan Wei, Hong Han, Xinran Wang, Wentao Xu*Multiplexed neurochemical transmission emulated using a dual-excitatory synaptic transistor npj 2D Materials and Applications 2020


1. 徐文涛马明雪一种有机纳米离子/电子杂化的两端神经仿生电子器件的制备方法,2018.09.17,中国,申请号:201811078851.2

2. 徐文涛, 马明雪,倪尧,一种用于模拟生物突触神经递质多路复用的双兴奋性人工突触器件的制备方法,202011073522.6(申请日期:2020109日)


马明雪  天津市研究生科研创新项目,基于二硒化钯原子二维材料的双极性突触晶体管,2019YJSS089

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