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徐文涛  教授 











2017年至现在          南开大学                                            教授,博士生导师

2016年-2017年        韩国首尔国立大学                             研究副教授 

2016年-2016年        美国斯坦福大学                                 访问学者

2016年-2016年        韩国浦项工科大学                             研究副教授

2013年-2016年        韩国浦项工科大学                             研究助教授

2012年-2013年        韩国浦项工科大学                             博士后研究员

2011年-2012年        美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校             访问学者



        曾任韩国浦项工科大学和首尔国立大学研究副教授,在美国四院院士伊利诺大学香槟分校John A Rogers教授研究组和美国两院院士、中科院外籍院士斯坦福大学鲍哲南教授研究组访问学习和合作研究。近年来研究兴趣主要在神经形态电子材料与器件与柔性电子领域,涉及材料、化学、物理、电子、仿生多学科交叉。作为通讯作者在Science、Nature Communications、Matter、Research、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Nano、Advanced Science、Nano Energy、Nano Micro-Letters等杂志发表文章90余篇,申请国内外专利40余项。








《Nano-Micro Letters》杂志 青年编委

《Cyborg and Bionic Systems》杂志 青年编委

英国皇家化学会 会士

国际科学组织 VEBLEO 协会 会士

“科学探索奖” 提名人

美国材料学会 会员

韩国工业化学会 会员

中国光学工程学会 高级会员

《Smart Mat》杂志 青年编委

《Chinese Chemical Letters》杂志 青年编委


《InfoMat》杂志 青年编委









2022  天津市自然科学奖一等奖(第一完成人) 

2022  全球人工智能和机器人奖

2021  国家杰出青年自然科学基金获得者

2019  天津市杰出青年基金获得者

2018  天津市“海河英才计划领军人才”

2018  国家青年高层次海外归国人才

2017  南开大学百名青年学科带头人

2011  优秀博士研究生奖

2010  国家优秀自费留学生奖










49.(特邀报告),2023 IMID国际会议,韩国,2023.8.22-8.25





46.(特邀报告),Design and Fabrication of neuromorphic electronic devices   18th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2023),韩国济州岛,2023.5.14-2023.5.17








42.  (特邀报告) ,柔性人造感知运动神经:材料、器件与系统,第一届iEnergy峰会·线上,2023.1.13-1.15




40. (Special report) Artificial synapses and sensorimotor nerves,The 2022 Flexible Magnetoelectric Functional Materials and Devices Symposium and the second Annual Conference of Lujiassi International Team, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, 2022.12.1-12.2


39. (Special report) Artificial afferent and efferent nerves based on neuromorphic devices, 2022 Cross-Straits and Hong Kong and Macao Young Scientists Intelligent Wearable Technology Innovation Forum, Hangzhou, 2022.11.2-11.7


38. (Special report) Artificial Sensorimotor Nerves and Synaptic Devices, 4th IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference(IFETC 2022),Qingdao, Shandong Province,2022.8.21-8.24


37. (Special report) Synaptic Electronic Devices based on Multi-Dimensional Materials,The 4th National Conference on Organic Field-Effect Transistors & The 2nd International Conference on Flexible & Printed Optoelectronic Materials and Devices(OFET-4 & ICFPOE-2),Changsha, Hunan province,2022.7.29-7.31;


36.(Special report) Artificial synapses and sensorimotor neurons, International Conference on Frontier Materials 2022,Zhuhai, Shenzhen Province,2022.5.27-5.31;



35. (特邀报告,主持) 徐文涛,第二十五期南开化学青年论坛,八里台校区石先楼二楼报告厅,神经形态电子材料与器件, (February, 2022)


34. (特邀报告) 徐文涛, YONSEI-CBE International Workshop Series: Nano Electronics 2022 (Virtual), Artificial Synapses and Sensorimotor Neurons, (February, 2022)


33. (特邀报告) 徐文涛,国家自然科学基金委交叉科学部首届青年学术研讨会,北京益田影人花园酒店一层群英会厅,(October, 2021)


32. (特邀报告) 徐文涛,人造突触与感觉运动神经,全国柔性与印刷电子技术研讨会,苏州金鸡湖国际会议中心,(October, 2021)


31. (特邀报告) 徐文涛,第二届柔性印刷光电材料与器件国际会议,湖南省长沙市现代凯莱大酒店,(September, 2021)

30. (特邀报告) 徐文涛,Artificial synapses and sensorimotor neurons, Materials, Devices, and Packaging Technologies for Soft Bioelectronics, 线上,(August, 2021)

29、(特邀报告) 徐文涛,Design of Artificial Synapses and Sensorimotor Neurons,The 16th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2021),厦门,(April, 2021)

28、(特邀报告) 徐文涛,突触器件与感觉/运动神经,京津冀国家技术创新中心首届光电技术创新大会,北京协同创新研究院,(April, 2021)

27、(特邀报告,分会主席) 徐文涛,Artificial synapses and sensorimotor nerves,第五届IEEE电子器件技术与制造(EDTM)会议 (5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) Conference),四川省成都世纪城新国际会展中心 (Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center), (April, 2021)

26、(特邀报告) 徐文涛,Design of synaptic devices using multi-dimensional materials,the Special International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP 2020-Special), 韩国釜山(线上),(November, 2020)

25、(特邀报告) 徐文涛; International Conference on Electronic Materials Leading the Future (ICE-MLF2019) 引领未来电子材料国际会议, 韩国庆熙大学,(November, 2019)

24、(特邀报告)徐文涛; From Device to System, Meeting of the 5th International Symposium of Flexible & Stretchable Electronics 2019(ISFSE 2019) 2019年柔性及可拉伸电子器件第五届国际研讨会, 南方科技大学,(June, 2019)

23、(特邀报告) 徐文涛,中国机器人学术年会暨顶刊论坛,湖北武汉,(December, 2018)

22、(特邀报告,分会主持) 徐文涛,2018新型功能材料国际会议,辽宁鞍山,(September, 2018)

21、(特邀报告) 徐文涛,2018玻璃-纳米功能材料研讨会,湖北武汉,(June, 2018)

20、(Invited talk) Wentao Xu, Synaptic Electronic Devices and Their Applications. 4th International Symposium of Flexible & Stretchable Electronics, 2018 (ISFSE 2018), Wuhan, China, (June, 2018)

19、(Invited talk) Wentao Xu, Materials for artificial synapses, The 1st International Conference on Frontiers of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, China (May, 2018)

18、(Oral) Wentao Xu, Sung-Yong Min, Hyunsang Hwang, Tae-Woo Lee, “Printed organic nanowire synaptic transistors” SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, San Diego, California, USA (August 2015)

17、Dong-Wook Kim, Sung-Yong Min, Su-Kyoung Kim, Wentao Xu, Tae-Woo Lee, “Correlation between Morphology of Conjugated Polymer and Ion Diffusion in Ion Gel-gated Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Organic Electrochemical Transistor and its application to Synaptic Transistor” International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment 2014 (ENGE2014), Jeju, S. Korea (November 2016)

16、S.-K. Kim, S.-Y. Min, D.-W. Kim, Wentao Xu, Tae-Woo Lee, “Effects of ionic liquids on synaptic behaviors in organic nanowire-based artificial synaptic transistor” International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment 2014 (ENGE2014), Jeju, S. Korea (November 2016)

15、Hong-Kyu Seo, Tae-Sik Kim, Sang-Hoon Bae, Wentao Xu, Rishi Raj, Hee-Cheul Choi, Jong-Hyun Ahn, Tae-Woo Lee, “Practical Electronics Applications of Graphene Films Converted from Cheap Solid Carbon Sources” The 2nd Korean Graphene Symposium, Buyeo, Korea (March 2015)

14、Himchan Cho, Su-Hun Jeong, Sung-Yong Min, Tae-Hee Han, Min-Ho Park, Young-Hoon Kim, Youngjun Lee, Wentao Xu, Tae-Woo Lee, “Simple Large-Area Pixel Patterning for Flexible Organic Light-Emitting Diodes by Electro-Hydrodynamic Organic Nanowire Printing” Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (December 2014)

13、(Oral) Wentao Xu, Sung-Yong Min, Tae-Sik Kim, Tae-Woo Lee, “Ion-gel Gated E-nanowire Synaptic Transistors” International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment 2014 (ENGE2014), Jeju, S. Korea (November 2014)

12、Hong-Kyu Seo, Tae-Sik Kim, Sang-Hoon Bae, Wentao Xu, Rishi Raj, Hee-Cheul Choi, Jong-Hyun Ahn, Tae-Woo Lee, “Graphene Films Converted from Cheap Solid Carbon Sources for High-performance Electronic Devices” Recent Progress in Graphene Research 2014 (RPGR 2014), Taipei, Taiwan (September 2014)

11、Tae-Hee Han, Sungjoo Kwon, Wentao Xu, Tae-Woo Lee, “Air-Stable Solution-Processed Chemical Doping for Graphene Electronics” The Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry Spring Meeting, Jeonju, S. Korea (October 2014)

10、Wentao Xu, Tae-Seok Lim, Hong-Kyu Seo, Sung-Yong Min, Himchan Cho, Min-Ho Park, Young-Hoon Kim, and Tae-Woo Lee, “N-DMBI-doped graphene field-effect transistors with enhanced electron mobility and air-stability”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (December 2013)

9、Hong-Kyu Seo, Tae-Sik Kim, Sang-Hoon Bae, Wentao Xu, Sung-Young Lee, Hee-Cheul Choi, Jong-Hyun Ahn, and Tae-Woo Lee, “Electronics Applications of Graphene Films Converted from Coal Tar Pitch” The 5th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics, Pohang, S. Korea (November 2013)

8、Wentao Xu, Shi-Woo Rhee, “Low-temperature curable copolymer gate insulator for hysteresis-free organic field-effect transistors and metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors”, FAPS polymer congress 2011, Beijing, China (May 2011)

7、Wentao Xu, Chang Guo, Shi-Woo Rhee, “Flexible organic transistors functioned at low-temperature cross-linked high-k polymer cyanoethylated pullulan as a gate insulator on stainless steel substrates”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (November 2010)

6、Wentao Xu, Shi-Woo Rhee, “High performance pentacene field-effect transistors by using CEP/Al2O3 bilayer gate insulator”, Korea-Japan Symposium on Materials & Interface, Yeosu, S. Korea (October 2010)

5、Wentao Xu, Chang Guo, Dongjin Yun, Shi-Woo Rhee, “A low-voltage operated organic field-effect transistor with high mobility and steep subthreshold slope via leakage current suppression”, International Union of Materials Research Society-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM), Yeosu, S. Korea (August 2010)

4、Wentao Xu, Chang Guo, Shi-Woo Rhee, “Hysteresis-free organic field-effect transistors with a polymer gate insulator cross-linked by Michael addition reaction”, International Symposium on Advanced Display Materials and Devices (ADMD), Daegu, S. Korea (June 2010)

3、(Oral) Wentao Xu, Sanghoon Lim, Shi-Woo Rhee, “Hysteresis-free organic field-effect transistors with a high dielectric strength cross-linked polyacrylate copolymer gate insulator”, Material Research Society of Korea Fall Meeting, Pohang, S. Korea (November 2009)

2、Wentao Xu, Chanhong Chung, Younghwan Kwon, “Living ring opening polymerization (ROMP) to systhesize novel diblock copolymers”, The Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry Spring Meeting, Daegu, S. Korea (May 2007)

1、Wentao Xu, Chanhong Chung, Younghwan Kwon, “Synthesis of novel amphiphilic diblock copolymers containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) using ring opening metathesis copolymerization” The Korean Society of Industrial Engineering Chemistry Spring Meeting, Jeonju, S. Korea (May 2006)






1.  国家杰出青年自然科学基金项目(2022年-2026年,主持)



2.  国家重点研发计划“纳米前沿”专项(2023年-2028年,课题负责人)



3.  国家重点研发计划政府间重点专项(中韩)(2022年-2024年,主持)



4.  JW科技委GF特区专题项目 (2022-2023年,主持)



5.  天津市杰出青年基金项目(2019年-2023年,主持)



6.  国家青年千人优先资助(2018年-2021年,主持)



7.  天津市“海河英才行动计划”领军人才(2018年,主持)



8.  百名青年学科带头人培养计划(2016年-2020年,主持)



9.  天津市面上项目(2018年-2021年,主持)



10.  横向课题:中国电子科技集团公司第五十八研究所,(2020年6月-2020年8月,主持)



11.  韩国国家级科研项目(2016年-2019 年,主持)







1. 广东省重点领域研发计划(2019年-2022 年,参与);

2. 韩国国家级科研项目(2014 年-2020 年,参与);

3. 韩国国家级科研项目(2015 年-2016 年,参与);

4. 韩国国家级科研项目(2011 年-2018 年,参与)。




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